Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Final Review Schedule.


Choreography for final review Thursday December 9
Room set up.8.30 to 9.00
Introductions Condon/Lee9.00 9.15
SE Intro9.15 9.20
Karan Ranka9.20 - 9.35
Ronak Shah9.35 - 9.50
Rosie Hadzipetros9.50 - 10.05
Andrea Martinez10.05 - 10.20
S Intro10.20 - 10.25
Shagun Thind10.25 - 10.40
Anna Mariya Lukose10.40 - 10,55
Sharvi Chavan10.55 - 11.10
Arnaud Vanderland11.10 - 11.25
Kunal Tiwari11.25 - 11.40
SW Intro11.40 11.45
Justin Tso11.45 - 12.00
Jialing Yu12.00 - 12.15
Kening Liu12.15 - 12.30
Nour Khraibani12.30 - 12.45
Lunch12.45 - 1.30
NW Intro.1.30 - 1.35
Rachel Rauser1.35 - 1.50
Lucas Ma1.50 - 2.05
Hasmig Bedrossian2.05 - 2.20
Cesar Sanchez2.20 - 2.35
N Intro2.35 - 2.40
Natasha Mirza2.40 - 2.55
Niloofar Soudmand2.55 - 3.10
Sara Adeli3.10 - 3.25
Khyati Daseja3.25 - 3.40
NE Intro
Anshu Gupta3.40 -3.45
Yasaman Hosseini3.45 -4.00
Aarushi Chadha4.00 - 4.15
Deep Vora4.15 - 4.30.
Juror Summary Comments.4.30 - 4. 40
Moderated discussion - all4.40 - 5.00

Monday, 6 December 2021

Tutorial schedule Dec 7


Tuesday December 7 Crits.

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Final review schedule.


Choreography for final review Thursday December 9
Room set up.8.30 to 9.00
Introductions Condon/Lee9.00 9.15
SE Intro9.15 9.20
Karan Ranka9.20 - 9.35
Ronak Shah9.35 - 9.50
Rosie Hadzipetros9.50 - 10.05
Andrea Martinez10.05 - 10.20
S Intro10.20 - 10.25
Shagun Thind10.25 - 10.40
Anna Mariya Lukose10.40 - 10,55
Sharvi Chavan10.55 - 11.10
Arnaud Vanderland11.10 - 11.25
Kunal Tiwari11.25 - 11.40
SW Intro11.40 11.45
Justin Tso11.45 - 12.00
Jialing Yu12.00 - 12.15
Kening Liu12.15 - 12.30
Nour Khraibani12.30 - 12.45
Lunch12.45 - 1.30
NW Intro.1.30 - 1.35
Rachel Rauser1.35 - 1.50
Lucas Ma1.50 - 2.05
Hasmig Bedrossian2.05 - 2.20
Cesar Sanchez2.20 - 2.35
N Intro2.35 - 2.40
Natasha Mirza2.40 - 2.55
Niloofar Soudmand2.55 - 3.10
Sara Adeli3.10 - 3.25
Khyati Daseja3.25 - 3.40
NE Intro
Anshu Gupta3.40 -3.45
Yasaman Hosseini3.45 -4.00
Aarushi Chadha4.00 - 4.15
Deep Vora4.15 - 4.30.
Juror Summary Comments.4.30 - 4. 40
Moderated discussion - all4.40 - 5.00

Sunday, 7 November 2021

November 9 crit schedule



Between 1.30 and 2.30

Sara, Hasmig, Aarushi, Sharvi

Between 2.30 and 3.30

Anshu, Rosie,Yasaman, Nour

Between 3.30 and 4.30. 

Khyati, Kening, Anna, Lucas

Between 4.30 and 5.00. 

Andrea, Natasha, Karan, Rachel


Between 1.30 and 2.30

César, Ronak, Niloofar, Shagun

Between 2.30 and 3.30

Kunal, Justin, Arnaud, Deep, 

Between 3.30 and 4.30. 

Karan, Rachel, Jialing

Between 4.30 and 6.00

On request by those who have seen Patrick wanting  second opinion. 

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

November 2 schedule.


Team NE 1.30 to 2.00
Team SE 2.00 to 2.30
Team S  2.30 to 3.00
Break 3.00 to 3.30
Team SW 3.30 to 4.00
Team NW 4.00 to 4.30
Team N  4.30 to 5.00


Team SE 1.30 to 2.00
Team S  2.00 to 2.30
Team SW  2.30 to 3.00
Break 3.00 to 3.30
Team NW 3.30 to 4.00
Team N 400 to 4.30
Team NE 4.00 to 4.30

Friday, 29 October 2021

October 29 Schedule

 Patrick (must leave to participate in review at Lasserre at 3.30)

1.30 to 1:50 SW

1.50 to 2.10 S

2.10 to 2.30 SE

2.30 to 2.50 NE

2.50 to 3.10 N

3.10 to 3.30 NW


!.30 to 2.00 NW

2.00 to 2.30 N

2.30 to 3.00 SW

3.00 to 3.30 Break

3.30 to 4.00 NW

4.00 to 4.30 S

4.30 to 5.00 SE

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

October 26 schedule


Team NE 1.30 to 2.00
Team SE 2.00 to 2.30
Team S  2.30 to 3.00
Break 3.00 to 3.30
Team SW 3.30 to 4.00
Team NW 4.00 to 4.30
Team N  4.30 to 5.00


Team SE 1.30 to 2.00
Team S  2.00 to 2.30
Team SW  2.30 to 3.00
Break 3.00 to 3.30
Team NW 3.30 to 4.00
Team N 400 to 4.30
Team NE 4.00 to 4.30

Thursday, 21 October 2021

October 22

Draft Schedule

Team  SW     1.30 to 2.00
Team NW     2.00 to 2.30
Team N         2.30 to 3.00
Break            3.00 to 3. 30
Team NE       3.30 to 4.00
Team SE       4.00 to 4.30
Team S          4.30 to 5.00

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

October 19 Pin up Review.

Nice job to all of you yesterday. 

Time to get down to form and phasing ideas for your community plans

Be able to answer thesese questions. 

Why do you think density should or will  go to the areas you presume. 

2. Do you imagine a strategy that can apply anywhere or just in some areas, requiring zoning regulations if the later. 

3. How is your density solution the smartest solution for affordability. 

4. How is your density solution the smartest solution for the other elements of sustainability (awalkability, ecology, jobs close to homes, solar exposure, etc. )

Guest jurors: Nico Larco, Scot Hein. 

2.00 South

2.30 South East

3.00 South West

3.30 North

4.00 North East 

4.30 North West. 

5.00 to 6.00 Desk review and questions. 

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

October 15

For Friday we will have a repeat of last Friday with a couple of key changes. We will set up in two spaces so each team will review with one of your instructors and then the other allowing for more in depth review and a better use of your time in studio. 



Team SW 1.30 to 2.00
Team NW 2.00 to 2.30
Team N     2.30 to 3.00
Break        3.00 to 3. 30
Team NE   3.30 to 4.00
Team SE   4.00 to 4.30
Team S      4.30 to 5.00


Team S     1.30 to 2.00
Team SE   2.00 to 2.30
Team NE    2.30 to 3.00
Break        3.00 to 3. 30
Team N     3.30 to 4.00
Team NW   4.00 to 4.30
Team SW   4.30 to 5.00

In addition , we have changed requirements to incorporate your sketching skills. You will note these changes on the assignment, indicated in red. 


Finally, a reminder that this assignment is your opportunity to integrate an understanding of city wide urban design using  the principles of the Seven Rules book, essentialized in the concept of the "five minute city" as highlighted in the assignment. By now you should have identified those five minute nodes in your sector and thought about a reasonable strategy for reinforcing their function through added housing, commercial space, jobs and transit. 

Monday, 11 October 2021

October 12 class.


For tomorrow we will have the last of our on site case studies.

This time to take a deeper look into the on site green infrastructure designs at Olympic Village and then up the hill to the Mt. PLeasant neighbourhood to review recent interventions into the "fabric" of that neighbourhood. 

We will meet at 1.30 at the Olympic Village Plaza in front of Terra Breads.

Weather for tomorrow calls for "ocaisional showers" so bring an umbrella. 

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Oct. 8 schedule.

Schdule for Oct 8. All students need to be in attendance for training session at 1.30 pm 

Students need only be in attendance for their own team meeting susequent to that. 

 1.30   All studio training on studio euqipment by Jordon Yule. 

2.30  Team NW

3.00 Team N

3.30 Team NE

4.00 Break. 

4.30 Team SW

5.00 Team S

5.30 Team SW

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Forum on affordabiliy

 The forum on affordable housing that i mentioned is viewable here. 


Its quite dull but you should watch it anyway to get a sense of issues that are not confined to Vancouver but are global, and how policy people are trying to solve them. 

I personally only agree with about 20 percent of what was said but at least you can see that SOME people agree with me. 


Monday, 27 September 2021

River District and affordable housing. Links to Champlaign Heights and Killarney

The target for affordable housing in the River District. They wont make it apparently. 


From this report. 

2. Affordable Housing Requirements in the EFL ODP

The EFL ODP currently requires that 20% of all units are to be for affordable housing to ensure that EFL is a mixed income, sustainable, and diverse community. The proposed locations of the affordable housing sites were identified in the EFL ODP and option-to-purchase agreements for the sites were secured through the rezonings of Areas 1 and 2. As Development Permits are issued on ‘trigger’ sites, the City has one year to exercise the options and purchase the site to ensure that the delivery of affordable housing is in step with market development. Given the progress of market development, the first options to purchase affordable housing sites are now being triggered.

The City has allocated $8.1 million (plus inflation adjustment) in the 2016 Capital Budget to purchase the first three option sites in Area 2. Funding for the remaining option sites will be secured as part of Capital Plan/Budget processes.

The EFL Financial Plan acknowledged that Council may choose to proceed with building the affordable housing sites in the absence of senior government and/or other partnership funding, by allocating additional capital funding and/or selecting alternative forms of affordable housing, such as market rental housing or affordable home ownership which would require amendments to the ODP and CD-1 by-laws.

Affordable housing sites proposed. 

Champlain Heights. 




Locations of Vancouver co-op housing projects mapped. 

Design guidelines for the river district. 

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Tuesday we will meet at 1.30 pm at the large plaza in front of Save - on - Foods in the "River District."

 Tuesday we will meet at the large plaza in front of Save - on - Foods in the "River District."


Getting there from UBC. 

We will explore the river district under construction. 

Then non market housing projects in Champlain Heights. 


Then explore ongoing changes to a traditional neighborhood at Killarney ( 54th and Kerr). 

Weather looks marginal so bring an umbrella. 

Our route

Friday, 24 September 2021

Sept 24.

Presentation schedule. 

Team one 3 to 3.30.

Team two 3.30 to 4.00

Team three 4.00 to 4.30

Break 4.30 to 4.45. 

Team four 4.45 to 5.15

Team 5 5.15 5.45. 

Wrap up 5.45. 

Part 1...Equity TEAM:
1.1: Global Economic Context
1.2: Regional Economic Context
1.3:History of Vancouver Housing Affordability
1,4 Relation between wages and housing costs.
1.5 Housing Strategies Tried, Failed or Succeeded
Part 2. Vancouver Ecology and Morphology TEAM:
2.1. Energy Use and GHG
2.2 Hydrology and Aquatic Habitat
2.3. Biodiversity and urban forest.
2.4 Geological Hazards
2.5 CIty of Vancouver Sustainability Policy
Part 3. Vancouver History. TEAM:
3.1 Settler City Form
3.2 Streetcar City Form
3.3 Auto City Form
3.4. Early 21st Century City
3.5 Future City Form Trends
Part 4. Built projects case study. TEAM:
4.1 False Creek South
4.2. Champlain Heights
4.3. Vancouver social housing.
4.4. Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Project (MIRHPP)
4.5. Yaletown social housing density bonusing.
Part 5. Other cities' housing efforts.
5.1 Vienna, past and present.
3.2. Great Britain, past and present.
3.2. Singapore
3.4. USA Hope VI.
3.5.New urbanism infill for affordability.

Monday, 20 September 2021

Schedule for Sept 21

 1.30 Derek Lee Case study and drawing workshop. 

3. 00 Design visualization charrette for Lochdale village. 

4.30  Posting and discussion of visualiations for Lochdale Village. 

Lecture on Sick City if time allows. 

Zoom link: 


Thursday, 16 September 2021

Schedule Friday Sept 17.

 1.30 to 3.00  Matthew Soules lecture and Q & A. 

3.00  - 3.40  Equity team 

3.40 - 4.20  Ecology and Morphology team.- 

4.20 - 5.00  Vanvouver History team. 

5.00 - 5.40  Built Projects team. 

5.40 - 6.20 Other Cities team. 

Patrick Condon is inviting you to a Zoom meeting.

Topic: Patrick Condon's Zoom Meeting

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting


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