Tuesday 19 October 2021

October 19 Pin up Review.

Nice job to all of you yesterday. 

Time to get down to form and phasing ideas for your community plans

Be able to answer thesese questions. 

Why do you think density should or will  go to the areas you presume. 

2. Do you imagine a strategy that can apply anywhere or just in some areas, requiring zoning regulations if the later. 

3. How is your density solution the smartest solution for affordability. 

4. How is your density solution the smartest solution for the other elements of sustainability (awalkability, ecology, jobs close to homes, solar exposure, etc. )

Guest jurors: Nico Larco, Scot Hein. 

2.00 South

2.30 South East

3.00 South West

3.30 North

4.00 North East 

4.30 North West. 

5.00 to 6.00 Desk review and questions. 

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