Monday 27 September 2021

River District and affordable housing. Links to Champlaign Heights and Killarney

The target for affordable housing in the River District. They wont make it apparently.

From this report. 

2. Affordable Housing Requirements in the EFL ODP

The EFL ODP currently requires that 20% of all units are to be for affordable housing to ensure that EFL is a mixed income, sustainable, and diverse community. The proposed locations of the affordable housing sites were identified in the EFL ODP and option-to-purchase agreements for the sites were secured through the rezonings of Areas 1 and 2. As Development Permits are issued on ‘trigger’ sites, the City has one year to exercise the options and purchase the site to ensure that the delivery of affordable housing is in step with market development. Given the progress of market development, the first options to purchase affordable housing sites are now being triggered.

The City has allocated $8.1 million (plus inflation adjustment) in the 2016 Capital Budget to purchase the first three option sites in Area 2. Funding for the remaining option sites will be secured as part of Capital Plan/Budget processes.

The EFL Financial Plan acknowledged that Council may choose to proceed with building the affordable housing sites in the absence of senior government and/or other partnership funding, by allocating additional capital funding and/or selecting alternative forms of affordable housing, such as market rental housing or affordable home ownership which would require amendments to the ODP and CD-1 by-laws.

Affordable housing sites proposed. 

Champlain Heights.


Locations of Vancouver co-op housing projects mapped. 

Design guidelines for the river district. 

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